
The company's 2018 annual meeting ended successfully

Last update:2019-11-06

China Energy Bureau data show that in November, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 2,080 kilometers, an increase of 35.2%. In the first 11 months of this year, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 34,225 kilometers, an increase of 24

China Energy Bureau data show that in November, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 2,080 kilometers, an increase of 35.2%. In the first 11 months of this year, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 34,225 kilometers, an increase of 24.4. %. The 220 kV and above lines of the power grid construction are mainly high-voltage aluminum cables such as steel-cored aluminum stranded wire and aluminum-clad steel-core aluminum stranded wire. The new line length has increased year by year, indicating that the domestic high-voltage transmission line is still in a high-speed growth trend. According to statistics, in the first 11 months of 2013, China's power grid infrastructure construction investment was 337.3 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year. Relevant media believe that in 2013, the domestic new wire and cable laying is mainly based on UHV power grid construction. It is reported that the State Grid Hami-Zhengzhou UHV DC

China Energy Bureau data show that in November, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 2,080 kilometers, an increase of 35.2%. In the first 11 months of this year, China's new 220 kV and above lines totaled 34,225 kilometers, an increase of 24.4. %.

The 220 kV and above lines of the power grid construction are mainly high-voltage aluminum cables such as steel-cored aluminum stranded wire and aluminum-clad steel-core aluminum stranded wire. The new line length has increased year by year, indicating that the domestic high-voltage transmission line is still in a high-speed growth trend. According to statistics, in the first 11 months of 2013, China's power grid infrastructure construction investment was 337.3 billion yuan, an increase of 6.1% year-on-year.

Relevant media believe that in 2013, the domestic new wire and cable laying is mainly based on UHV power grid construction. It is reported that the State Grid Hami-Zhengzhou UHV DC project is expected to be put into operation this month, and the Xiluodu-Zhejiang UHV DC project under construction is scheduled to be put into operation in 2014, and the Zhebei-Fuzhou UHV AC project is scheduled to be put into operation in 2015.

In addition, the Huainan-Nanjing-Shanghai UHV AC project, the Ximeng-Nanjing UHV AC project, and the Ya'an-Wuhan UHV AC project are also in the evaluation stage. In summary, the construction of domestic UHV power grids will continue to drive demand for aluminum cables in the coming period.

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